Week of 4/20 Programming:
Death By...
EMOM: 10 Air Squats + 1 Burpee
* every minute add one burpee until you can’t complete the appropriate number of burpees in the minute
Run 3 Rounds:
8 Minutes @ Easy Pace
-3 min recovery walk-
4 Minutes @ Moderate Pace
-2 min recovery walk-
2 Minutes @ Hard Pace
-2 min recovery walk-
5 Rounds:
10 Push Ups
20 Sit Ups
20 Forward Lunges
100 Mountain Climbers
80 Russian Twists
60 Shoulder Taps (Rx: handstand shoulder taps, Scale: Plank hold shoulder tap)
40 Hollow Rocks
20 Burpee Broad Jumps