This is Luke Friesen and he is one of us...The Continuers. Here is his Watermark Bio (WOD at the bottom): I have a passion to see God save, transform, and deploy young adults for His glory. Watermark’s young adult ministry has been incredibly i…

This is Luke Friesen and he is one of us...The Continuers. Here is his Watermark Bio (WOD at the bottom): 

I have a passion to see God save, transform, and deploy young adults for His glory. Watermark’s young adult ministry has been incredibly impactful to me personally, and I’m blessed to lead and serve others as a part of that team.

I joined Watermark staff from the corporate world, having worked as a management consultant for seven years following my MBA from Texas A&M and a bachelor’s degree from John Brown University. I was a Watermark member for five years before coming on staff, and the call to full-time vocational ministry came while trekking through a Haitian village with our young adults pastor in October of 2012.

God has blessed me with an incredible family and Christian heritage. Both sets of grandparents were full-time overseas missionaries, and my parents planted churches in Japan for nearly 20 years. I was born in Japan and lived there until I was 15, before making the monumental shift to life in Kansas. My parents were faithful to proclaim the gospel to me when I was young, and I trusted Christ at 8.

I’m the middle child out of three redheaded boys, and we’re fiercely competitive in ping-pong and basketball. I love reading and motorcycling, but never combine the two. I also enjoy lapping White Rock Lake on my road bike, hitting trails on my mountain bike, and sweating to a CrossFit WOD. Sushi makes me nostalgic, and I could eat it every day. As a closet grammar nerd, I love a well-turned phrase, nuance, and witty dialogue. Konichiwa!

Warmup: 5 mins only

Same as last week. Work to get the shoulders warmed up.

Skill Work:

Part A:

Double Unders:  0:00 – 5:00 power singles.  Yes, the entire 5 mins.  Your movement should be no different than if you were doing a double under.  Focus on being comfortable in the movement.  Then in minutes 5:00 – 10:00 work on Double Unders

Part B:

Toes to Bar:  Spend 10 mins working through the T2B progression with focus on the kip.  Driving your head through your shoulders and pushing away from the bar to initiate the movement.  Your coach will have more details. 

Class WOD:

3 Rounds for MAX EFFORT

Rest as needed in between rounds

30/20 cal Bike

50 Double Unders

10 pushups