Below are a series of workouts you can do on your own when you miss WELL or are out of town. All can be completed with minimal to no equipment.


1. Tabatha Mashup

20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest

2 rounds of situps, 2 rounds of push ups, 2 rounds of air squats, 2 rounds of sampson lunges,

Repeat 3-4 times for a total of 12 or 16 minutes


2. Kederchael + Max Effort (ME) Workout:

21/15/9 - Burpees & Sit-ups

Ginger 3 minutes

Max effort situps for 2 minutes

Ginger for 2 minutes

ME Air Squats for 2 minutes

Ginger for 2 minutes

ME Singles for 2 minutes


3. Modified "Lauderdale"

80 Air Squats, 70 push-ups, 60 sit-ups, 50 Thrusters with hand weights

(add/sub pull-ups if you have the capacity)

Every 5 minutes on the clock run 400m or Do 5 flights of stairs up and down.

Your 'score' is the time required to complete all reps above
