Core Work:

Tabata L Sits (hanging from the rig) – 4 mins/8 rounds :20on/:10off

Note:  Scale as needed.  Everyone can do this hanging from the rig.  The common scaled version is hanging with the knees pulled up to above your hip crease.


Max effort Plank Hold

Note:  Immediately following the :10 rest after the final L sit hold perform one attempt at a max effort plank hold.  Your mind will want to stop before your body physically has to stop – PUSH YOURSELF.  Try to feel the difference between being uncomfortable and tired vs  reaching the point of max exertion.


Class WOD:  Cardio, Cardio, Cardio….

30min EMOM

Even Min - 15 Cal Row

Odd Min - 15 Burpees

Note:  This will be our cardio benchmark WOD.  The above version is RX and I do not recommend  anyone do it straight out of the gate.  Here is how we will approach this.  You will pick your own goal to achieve today.  I did this last week setting my goal at 10 Cal Row/10 Burpees and was able to complete all rounds.  I will try again in a few weeks and probably increase my numbers to 12/12.  The Cal number and the burpees number must be the same.   For today, think about this in terms of a number you can complete both movements in about a :35 window to give you a little bit of time to rest before the next minute.  Good luck!