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We Gotta Stay on Task Today! Lots to get through...

Warm Up

200m Run

More shoulder Mobility-

10 Shoulder PT

10 Lying KB Shoulder Screws Each Arm (You did them yesterday)

10 Shoulder PT

5/5 Scap Push ups/ Push ups

Coach's Choice Hip Work


Core Work, Class WOD 1

4 Rounds for Time:

25 side to side JUMP over the abmat.  Just like it sounds! As fast as you can jump side to side over the abmat

25 Abmat sit-ups


Class WOD 2:  For Time:

3 Rounds

21 Wallballs 20/14

15 Ring Dips (as strict as possible)

9 Hang Squat Cleans (pick a weight roughly 60% of a 1RM)