Lift: Strict Press
4 x 8 @ 60%
:45 Handstand Hold b/t sets
2 Rds
500M Row
Air Squat
Sit Ups
Rest until 7:00
Ex. Row 500M, do 30 air squat, do 30 sit ups, do 20 air squat… and so on. Rest until the 7 Min mark, do it again.
Lift: Strict Press
4 x 8 @ 60%
:45 Handstand Hold b/t sets
2 Rds
500M Row
Air Squat
Sit Ups
Rest until 7:00
Ex. Row 500M, do 30 air squat, do 30 sit ups, do 20 air squat… and so on. Rest until the 7 Min mark, do it again.