Workout Definition
15 Hang Power Snatches (95/65)
60 Double Unders
15 Overhead Squats (95/65)
30/21 Calorie Row
Coaches Notes
The two barbell movement standout on paper in this higher skilled AMRAP. The loading should be something that athletes are capable of completing 21+ repetitions unbroken when fresh. If one movement is more challenging that the other, choose the weight based off that one. In order to keep moving through the workout, looking for each round of double unders to take no longer than 1:30. If short on rowers, stagger the second heat by three minutes.
You’ll notice today that we have planned for two practice rounds. With more complex barbell movements like the hang power snatch and overhead squat, athletes tend to feel better and move better after feeling out more reps. The goal of two practice rounds is to get athletes in that groove with these movements from the start of the workout, rather than a couple rounds in. Practice rounds are meant to be low intensity, but high focus. This allows athlete to run through the flow of the workout, test out weights/variations, and allows for coaches to see movement and make suggestions before the real thing starts.