Core Work:
Tabata Abmat Sit-ups - :20 on/:10 off for 4 mins (8 total rounds). During the :20 intervals that you are working you should be giving 100% effort.
3 Rounds NFT (but move quickly)
20 Hollow Rocks
1:00 weighted plank hold #45/#25 or HAP
Class WOD: For time
Buy in: Accumulate 1:00 (total) in hanging L-sits from the rig. Follow standard scaling options if you can’t hold a full L-sit. The focus here is a strong stable core – contract your core! As many attempts as needed to reach your 1:00
10 Rounds
10 Ring Rows (Pull-Ups If you dare)
10 Air Squats
10 Push-ups
Score is total time including L-sits