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Partner Core Work: 12:00 Cutoff

100 weighted Abmat sit-ups for time. 

Partners will face each other on abmats and using a 20/14lb medball will perform sit-ups tossing the ball back and forth.  The ball must touch the ground overhead.  Each sit-up counts as a rep (50 per partner).




25 K2E (each partner)


Class WOD:

20min AMRAP

OVERHEAD Barbell Complete @ HAP

1 Deadlift

1 hang power clean

2 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk


X2 Shuttle Run (after each round)

Wod Notes:  Choose a weight that will allow you to complete the complex unbroken while still being a challenge.  Each movement within the complex requires a tight core to  perform the movement efficiently – focus on that.  You will perform a x2 shuttle run between each set of the complex.  The shuttle run for this start on the concrete runway and is down and back to the facilities wall.