Chapter Four – Healthy Humiliation:
Do you agree that it is more helpful to look at over-eating and sloth as a matter of remaining sensitive to God’s presence rather than comparing them with lust or gossip or other sins? Why or why not?
Chapter Five – It’s Not a Fair Fight:
Were you familiar with the way producers manufacture and then market food to consumers? What can the church do to help its members come up with appropriate responses to such an assault?
Chapter 5 ends with…If we remember that humility is the chief virtue – if we look at fitness through the lens of humility and build community that embraces humility – then we can look at this issue through the lens of encouragement instead of judgement, inspiration instead of condemnation. (Chapter 5 – pg. 73)
Do you know someone who struggles with gluttony and sloth? How would you encourage and inspire them?