For my entire life, as long as I can remember, I have struggled with being very overweight and food addiction. I’d go through seasons in the past of doing well, but those were short seasons. The struggle is heightened by the fact that my dad died of heart disease when he was 39 years old, leaving behind a single mom and two boys aged 3 and 6. By the grace of God I recently turned 41, but my health is probably worse than my dad’s was when he passed away.
For me – this has been my issue. There have been others, such as lust and pornography, anger, and low self-esteem and worth; but, God has done some great things with those struggles. This, however, has been one that has been my, as Paul calls it in 2 Corinthians 12, “thorn in the flesh”.
I have been a part of WELL since April 29, 2013. There have been great seasons of success and success of intense, miserable failure. Here are 3 lessons I’ve learned while in WELL. My story is a good example of what we call in re|engage, a “teachimony” as I share lessons while telling my story.
I still love desserts, but I am learning to be measured in how and when I enjoy them. For the first time in my life I am craving exercise. I have seen changes in my physical appearance and I feel better! Most of all, I am learning to include these areas of wellness as acts of worship to a God that purchased me at a high price! I am grateful for this experience, and prayerful that this journey will continue!